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How to grow wheatgrass?

Writer's picture: maizestarmaizestar

The young leaves of the common wheat plant Triticum aestivum are commonly referred to as wheatgrass. Wheatgrass juice is popular among health enthusiasts due to its various nutritional values. Wheatgrass is also grown for pets, especially cats, to help relieve digestive problems.

普通小麦(学名:Triticum aestivum)的幼叶通常被称为小麦草。小麦草汁因其多种营养价值而深受健康爱好者的欢迎。小麦草也适合宠物食用,尤其是猫,以帮助缓解消化问题。

Method 1: Grow wheatgrass using peat moss or other germination media

方法 1:使用泥炭藓或其他发芽介质种植小麦草

1. Soak seeds for at least 2-3 hours (optional).

1. 浸泡种子至少2-3小时(可跳过)。

2. Fill a container with peat moss/cocopeat/any other germination medium (1" deep is sufficient).

2. 在容器中填充泥炭藓/椰糠/任何其他发芽介质(1 英寸深就足够了)。

3. Spray water till germination medium is moist.


4. Spread seeds evenly on germination medium.


5. Spray water till germination medium is soaking wet.


6. Cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for 1-2 days.

6. 盖上盖子,在暗处放置 1-2 天。

7. Check everyday and make sure growing medium is moist throughout the growth period.

7. 每天检查并确保整个生长期间生长介质湿润。

7. Expose the seedlings to indirect sunlight or grow light after 3 days or when the seedlings are 1-2" tall. Place the container or tray at a well-ventilated place e.g. under a fan or windowsill to reduce mold growth.

7. 3天后或当幼苗长到1-2英寸高时,将幼苗暴露在间接阳光或生长下。将容器或托盘放在通风良好的地方,例如风扇下或窗台以减少霉菌生长。

8. Wheatgrass is ready to be harvested when the second blade of leaf is formed or about 5-6" tall.

8. 当第二片叶子形成或大约 5-6 英寸高时,小麦草就可以收割了。

9. Harvest the wheatgrass by cutting at 1" above the germination medium.

9. 在发芽介质上方 1 英寸处切割,收割小麦草。

10. Wheatgrass will regrow and can be harvested for up to three times.

10. 小麦草会重新生长,最多可收割 3 次。

11. Dispose of the germination medium and roots in a compost bin and repeat Step 1.

11. 将发芽介质和根放入堆肥箱中,然后重复步骤 1。


Method 2: Grow wheatgrass without germination media/soil

方法 2:在没有发芽介质/土壤的情况下种植小麦草

1. Soak the seeds for at least 4 hours.


2. Spread the seeds evenly on a colander or mesh tray.

2. 将种子均匀地撒在滤盆或网盘上。

3. Cover the colander/tray with a lid and leave in a dark place for 1-2 days.

3. 盖上滤盆/网盘,并在黑暗处放置 1-2 天。

4. Soak and rinse the seeds for at least 3 times a day.


5. Expose the seedlings to indirect sunlight or grow light after 3 days or when the seedlings are 1-2" tall. Place the container or tray at a well-ventilated place e.g. under a fan or windowsill.

5. 3天后或当幼苗长到1-2英寸高时,将幼苗暴露在间接阳光或生长下。将容器或托盘放在通风良好的地方,例如风扇下或窗台。

6. Wheatgrass is ready to be harvested when the second blade of leaf is formed or about 5-6" tall.

6. 当第二片叶子形成或大约 5-6 英寸高时,小麦草就可以收割了。

7. Wheatgrass will regrow and can be harvested for up to three times.

7. 小麦草会重新生长,最多可收割 3 次。

8. Dispose of the roots in a compost bin and repeat Step 1.

8. 将根部放入堆肥箱中并重复步骤 1。


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